Thursday, January 15, 2015

Author's Note

       Hello who ever reads this! I thought it would be fitting to make my first blog entry about who I am, what I do, and how did I get a chance to make this blog. Let me start with a proper introduction, my name is J.Howel, I am eleven, and I am no professional author. However I love writing, so this blog will be filled(hopefully)with stories. I love fantasy, so maybe some things may seem childish, but I try to add things to make it more enjoyable for older audiences. In other words, I will be making an effort to take whatever comments I get into consideration. I am not the type of person that likes to tell the world about my life, mainly I just write "novels"with made up characters. I am thinking about making each post a chapter.

      Now that I have covered that, I will explain how this blog is became to be. For my teacher, I was required to write a story about a turkey. In the turkey's perspective you must face a holiday that makes a turkey get goosebumps riding up their legs just from the name. Thanksgiving. My turkey, Autumn Feathers, had to starve herself in order not to be eaten. Did it work? Maybe. (I'm am not sure if I am going to post my stories form school. I probably will. You will know that they are schools essays because they will not be split into chapters and will have a quick authors note saying how I wish I could make them longer, but I had to turn them in.) Anyway, my teacher liked it so much, that she told my vice principal about my writing! I don't know what to say, so maybe I will just write. I am not sure if I want to become a writer, but maybe. Perhaps I could give my "novels" covers as well! I really like to draw, and I am always looking for reasons to draw in school. I love school, but when my teacher says "draw a picture" I am all for it. If I could make covers, that would be great, but it won't be soon. Being a new person, I don't know how to post pictures.

    Sorry if this was a little dry and all, I am not planning to write many of these types of posts. I just need to get my ideas in order. Hopefully I am not writing to myself!


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