Monday, January 19, 2015

Chapter 0

Quick authors note: Hey guys! Here is a draft that was going to be my first chapter of my first "novel". However I didn't like the feel of it and I felt it was too short, but I decided to post it anyway to see what you guys think! Enjoy!!

Chapter one: The Capture
Lucinda's POV

I feel the force of the atmosphere sting as I come closer, and at any moment I will drop from the sky. I can only make it so far until my wings shred, and gravity takes me down. I halt in mid air, this is the limit.  My shoulders ache just fighting not to get my wings ripped away from my body at this distance from it. They will come back, I have enough to come back. My hesitation grows rapidly, and pressure is pushing on my ribs, nearly stopping my breathing. I back away, and gain some control over myself. After I am successful in doing this, I dive. I hit the barrier with a scream. When the pain sears onto my top back, I am sure the scream was mine. It burns my skin, but at the same time, freezes it numb. My wings! Tears float upward off my cheeks, while I plummet down to a place my kind fears of...and it’s name, Earth.

The impact of the ground does no damage to me at all. Just my wings, my beautiful wings are gone! Standing on my feet feels foreign to me.  I manage to lift my weight, and gather the strength to stride, stretching one leg out at a time to push forward. The sun is starting to hide behind the moons providing shelter. I keep my steps going, and even though I have not been walking for long, my legs muscles scream for mercy. That only makes me run. My arms pump hard, and I actually am enjoying the feeling of my exhaustion. Sweat speckles on my forehead, and I let it stay there and clump with other drops of sweat. I knew I would have to find a place to sleep, and soon. Out of the corner of my eye, I see woods to my left. Perfect! I pause only for a moment to change my direction. I sprint wildly toward the trees. Once under the umbrella of their leaves, I choose one that is tall and has welcoming  branches that will wrap around myself with warmth. I swing my throbbing foot onto the lowest branch, and grasp my hand onto a higher one. The harsh bark blisters my palm, but I ignore the pain. I climb the tree high enough to not be seen. My mind runs through what I must do. I run through a lot of things as sleep does not pull me in. I remember this place, as I once lived here, that was before humans were known to us fairies. Before the chaos that the humans caused was too much for even the dark ones to stand and before we were all forced to leave, all except one. Her name is not known, but her kind legendary to us. I am here to collect her and bring her home. Then, I will watch her be killed.
I stay alert a little while longer. Soon, I start to drift off, finally sleep comes and takes me away, and just like many nights before, my sleep is complete darkness. Not a single dream fills my head.
I wake to the sun toasting my face. I use the back of my hand to scrape off the dry drool in the corner of my mouth. After wasting a few minutes of gazing around, making sure no one is around, looking for some action that might as well be me. I leap out of the tree, and land safely like a cat, on my feet. I have watched the one I am after walk with a boy down this street everyday, and so I will snatch her then. I have enough dust to get the boy out of the way, put the girl in a deep sleep so she doesn’t struggle with me, and bring my wings back so I can fly home. I hear the distant drumming of footsteps. She is coming! I duck behind the next closest tree, and wait. My heel gets caught on a twig, and the pressure makes it snap. I hiss a swear under my heavy breath. They are getting closer.
I can sense their features. The girl, tall and muscular, stands closer to the woods. She is around the age of, say 12, maybe younger. She sweeps her long caramel hair onto her shoulder, and looks at the boy with eyes you may see as hazel, but if you really look, they are streaked with the colors of the rainbow. The boy, same age as the girl, had messy black hair, and deep brown eyes. The color so dark, you can barely see his pupil. They walk together scatteredly down the sidewalk. Now, there are only a few feet away from where I am. I can’t wait any longer. I have to do this….now! I pounce from where I stand, and block their path. I dig through my pocket and grab my dust. I pour it onto my hands and let it seep into my flesh.
“Now thats better!” I laugh hoarsely. I can barely tell myself to stop. No one is around to help them! This is just too easy!
The boy wants to say something, but it won’t help. I channel my magic and he disintegrates into the cool air, and the soft wind drifts him away, soon to be stranded miles away from here. By that time, it will be too late.
“What did you do!” She shrieks, then it turns into more of a sob.
“Shhhh.” I cup my hand around her mouth and before she can protest. I cast my spell swifty, and in seconds she is out like a light. The sensation of my wings growing from my gained power  is satisfying, and I now feel complete. I scoop up the girl, and raise into the sky.
“Too easy,” I whisper. I almost pity the girl, for she will never really know her capabilities. Although, we must use that as our advantage, she is easier to kill this way. She is balls up innocently in my arms, but if we don’t kill her now, we dark fairies will never smell the fresh aroma of glory. I can’t feel sorry for her, yet I am afraid I already do.

The rest of my flight is  silent, as there is no one to talk to. In the distance I see the silhouette of my home. Farin.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Quick authors note: Hey guys! After battling it out with myself, I decided to post some of my school essays. I am doing this for two reasons. One- you have a right to know what stories got me "noticed" (I not sure if noticed is a good word to explain it). Two- I need to buy some time because I am working really hard on my first chapter of my first "novel"(it's a lot of firsts okay). So that is my reasoning. Enjoy my turkey story(the one that I mentioned in my first post). It is short, mainly because I had to turn it in on time!! *sigh*


I followed the current of the mob of fellow turkeys. Grim beaks stretched across the room, making me frown as well. There was nothing to smile about, nothing at all, as we will lose so many very soon. Our feet leave prints in the dirt, as my community braced themselves for the worst. We all had no hope that our leader, Rusted Beak to pull us all through the tragedy, as we shouldn’t. He would fail like so many before him. I half-heartedly spread out my feathers to honor his appearance. He too, had melancholy lines under his eyes, stressed out with the task he must try to accomplish. After he perched himself on higher ground, he opened his beak, and we waited for sound to come out.
“Hello everyone,” he began his lecture,”as you all know,” his gobble quivered uncontrollably, he cleared his throat, “in a few days, we will face Thanksgiving. Yes, the day were we turkeys get eaten, and get no thank you for it...may I add. I have been thinking about why they choose us to eat, and I have found the answer, it is because we are so fat. They want our fatty flesh in their bellies, and I have decided that we must now maintain a diet that will make us skinny and unappealing to their eyes. They won’t want to eat us, and we will live!” his tone grew proud of his plan. The room became silent.  “So, you are asking us to starve ourselves?” A turkey blurted out, breaking the silence with a crack. 
Rusted Beak sharpened himself with seriousness. “If that’s they way you want to see it.”
A gasp scarcely left my beak. No one would go along with that! I won’t! Will I? My feathers ruffled up, as my brain tossed and turned on what to do. I finally went with my instinct, and I go with Rusted Beaks plan. A few others waddled toward where he stood. We all nodded, but said nothing. Then we all huddled into a room, and let the starving begin.
It was brutal. Every minute someone would groan just to mask the sound of the storm inside our stomachs. I couldn’t lift a feather as I hugged the ground. I may have even licked the dirt a little.
“So,what’s your name?” a voice croaked, then coughed up something, and all I know is that it wasn’t food.
It takes a while for me to respond, “Autumn Feathers,” I managed.
“Mines Rosy Winged,” her voice died down and ended the conversation there, too weakened to talk any longer.
Once, we painfully watched a group scuff down food right in front of us. Clearly they did not like Rusted Beak’s plan. When they finished, they had a line of crumbs around the circumference of their beaks. I force my eyes closed, and sleep. My nightmare was not any better. Food concaved onto me, choking me in it’s wave. It chanted EAT ME! I scream over and over. That’s when the fire started. My feathers crumbled to ashes, and I smelt burnt skin. More screams found their way through the peep holes of the food pile.
“AUTUMN FEATHERS!” I felt a wing shake me awake. 
“Today's!” I go into panic mode.
“Yes, today is Thanksgiving,” Rusted Beak let out a sigh.
We all scrambled to our feet, and our sluggish bodies dragged themselves out of the room. We waited. A thud echoed through the ground. Then another. My senses grew alert and stern, but I wasn’t quick enough. A hand swept me up by my feet, and left my bony structure to dangle in the air.
“This ones too skinny,” a man yelled in gibberish.
The hand lost grip of me and I fell back toward the ground. It actually worked! I sprinted to a corner, where I saw how unfortunate those who ate were. If I had the gut, I would help them, but I don’t. That means they are their food now. All of them were swung over backs, and they got smaller as they were taken away into the distance...never to be seen again. That left me with ached stomach, I needed food now. The others were already indulged in food, plumped by all the fat it contained. I sprung into the pile, and choked down more than I could handle, but at that point I really didn't care.
“Those who ate,Will end on their plate,Those who starve,Will again be large,As they will not eat,If they can feel the bones in your feet.” Rusty Beak said it loud and clear.
This was a reminder. Thanksgiving will no longer be feared as he said this time after time. Generations after generations. We lost no one ever again.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Author's Note

       Hello who ever reads this! I thought it would be fitting to make my first blog entry about who I am, what I do, and how did I get a chance to make this blog. Let me start with a proper introduction, my name is J.Howel, I am eleven, and I am no professional author. However I love writing, so this blog will be filled(hopefully)with stories. I love fantasy, so maybe some things may seem childish, but I try to add things to make it more enjoyable for older audiences. In other words, I will be making an effort to take whatever comments I get into consideration. I am not the type of person that likes to tell the world about my life, mainly I just write "novels"with made up characters. I am thinking about making each post a chapter.

      Now that I have covered that, I will explain how this blog is became to be. For my teacher, I was required to write a story about a turkey. In the turkey's perspective you must face a holiday that makes a turkey get goosebumps riding up their legs just from the name. Thanksgiving. My turkey, Autumn Feathers, had to starve herself in order not to be eaten. Did it work? Maybe. (I'm am not sure if I am going to post my stories form school. I probably will. You will know that they are schools essays because they will not be split into chapters and will have a quick authors note saying how I wish I could make them longer, but I had to turn them in.) Anyway, my teacher liked it so much, that she told my vice principal about my writing! I don't know what to say, so maybe I will just write. I am not sure if I want to become a writer, but maybe. Perhaps I could give my "novels" covers as well! I really like to draw, and I am always looking for reasons to draw in school. I love school, but when my teacher says "draw a picture" I am all for it. If I could make covers, that would be great, but it won't be soon. Being a new person, I don't know how to post pictures.

    Sorry if this was a little dry and all, I am not planning to write many of these types of posts. I just need to get my ideas in order. Hopefully I am not writing to myself!
