Tuesday, June 30, 2015

This Old Thing?

Yeah, it's been a while.
Okay, maybe more like a long while.
Alright alright! I get it! It's been forever. *Ducks head down in shame*
My laziness is out of hand.

The worse part is I have nothing to write about.....

So here is a top five list of things I have trouble with when I write my "stories"

1. Actually writing them(as you can see) I always doubt myself and push it off and it never gets done.
2. That first chapter. I keep re-writing them and I still am never pleased on how it turns out.
3. Character names(don't even start me with this one)
4. Knowing if it is good or not. (my family is not very helpful when I ask them how it is, because not matter how bad it is they will always tell me it is great.) I can't show it to you guys because I am never happy with anything. (also see number 1 and 2)
5. Telling myself its good. I am my worse judge. I can't deal with anything below perfect and I feel that I can't produce that same perfection I am looking for. *sigh*

Well thanks anyway,